We care about the quality of your investment!
For a Free Quote, Call (480) 782-0245
Our Credentials
Mullenix Appraisal Service was founded in 1984 by Jackie M Mullenix. Our success, over the years, has been built upon quality work, punctual performance, and a comprehensive understanding of appraisal methodology. Our impeccable ethics has promoted our offices use by attorneys, courts, probate judges, litigants, employee relocation companies, and mortgage lenders. All of our appraisers are Certified by the State of Arizona and have extensive experience in residential and commercial appraising.

Our most junior appraiser has 17 years of experience. Our office thrives on undertaking complex valuation assignments. The combined experience of our staff exceeds 44 years and has measured value in all market conditions from the real estate bust of the early 80's to the recent market acceleration and now slowing. Our staff appraiser's are expert witnesses and have testimonial experience in Circuit Court, Family Law, and Federal Bankruptcy Court.

Our office performs real property appraisals for Employee Relocation, Divorce, Warranty litigation claims, Real Property loss for tax purposes, Tax appeals, Prospective valuations (value in the future), Retrospective (historical value in the past), Condemnation, Leasehold valuation, Leased fee valuations, Fee simple valuations, Partial interest, Life estates, Construction funding, Subdivision of land, Assemblage of land parcels, Zoning change valuation, Pre-foreclosure, Lender owned real estate (REO), Ground rent studies, Investment return studies, Feasibility studies, Mortgage financing including secondary market, and private investors.

Executive Appraisers
Jackie M Mullenix
AZ Certified Residential Appraiser # 21013

Rob D Nicholson
AZ Certified General Appraiser # 31081
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Our Testimonials
"We are more than happy with the appraisal that we got in such a down economy. They stuck true to their word and made a fair value."
- Rick Tempe, AZ
"I could not be more pleased with their professional and courteous staff. Very comfortable to work with. Thank you Mullenix Appraisal Service."
- Katie Scottsdale, AZ